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MetEd is a free collection of hundreds of training resources intended for the
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The Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) and Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) are vital components of aviation safety and meteorological data. These automated systems continuously monitor and deliver real time weather data including wind speed...
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Rating curves are an extremely important tool, allowing hydrologists to estimate a river's flow (discharge) by simply measuring the water level (stage) as a surrogate. This provides a practical way to continuously monitor streamflow.
The basics section...
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One of the more challenging forecasts in the Tropics is differentiating when/where there will be heavy rains. Are the predicted storms going to be everyday rains or will they be flood-producing deep convection? There are many products we can use to help...
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Effective groundwater monitoring is extremely important, especially as freshwater resources are increasingly threatened by climate change. This module was developed in partnership with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and is an international adaptation...
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This brief lesson focuses on the detection and monitoring of cold-core upper air low pressure systems over the tropical Pacific region using satellite imagery. The benefits of using water vapor imagery and the Airmass RGB in the detection of cold-core upper...
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Are you new to UNIX command line and need to get a quick tutorial? This is a great place to start. In this lesson, we will explore the command line through some quick exercises that compare command line UNIX to your PC or Mac environment that you are used...
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The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) can influence weather at subseasonal scales as it moves eastward across the tropical regions of the globe. These influences can extend to midlatitudes including the contiguous U.S., and even as far northward as Alaska. This...
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Your advisor just dumped a task on your desk without much time to complete the task. You have two different netCDF files that you need to compare to help verify the output from the National Water Model compared to USGS river gage data from Hurricane Harvey...
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Your advisor just dumped a task on your desk without much time to complete the task. You have two different netCDF files that you need to compare to help verify the output from the National Water Model compared to USGS river gage data from Hurricane Harvey...
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Your advisor just dumped a task on your desk without much time to complete the task. You have two different netCDF files that you need to compare to help verify the output from the National Water Model compared to USGS river gage data from Hurricane Harvey...
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